Engaging conversations and influential voices.
PCT Business Booster webinar: Benefits of Selontra Rodent Bait for Your Business (November 2020)
This webinar provides an an overview of the U.S. rodenticide market and leads a discussion about Selontra rodent bait. BASF's Jeremy Davis leads the discussion and he is joined by Joshua Foster of Zap Termite and Pest Control, Sacramento, Calif.
Protection from Pests with Pressurized Products
BASF Technical Market Manager, Dr. Joseph Argentine on using pressurized products to protect against pests.
BASF and Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation: Partnering to Preserve Taliesin West from Termites
To ensure Taliesin West will be standing for future generations of aspiring architects and an adoring public eager to tour of one of America’s great historical landmarks, BASF partnered with the foundation to provide a sustainable total termite control solution featuring the latest Termidor® termiticide innovations and Trelona® Annual termite bait stations.
Partnering to Preserve Hawaii’s Plantation Village from Termites
Hawaii's Plantation Village is an outdoor museum telling the story of life on Hawaii's sugar plantations (circa 1850-1950). To ensure the Village will be around to help educate future generations, BASF partnered with the stewards of the Plantation to provide a sustainable total termite control solution featuring the latest Termidor® termiticide innovations and Trelona® Annual termite bait stations.
PCT and BASF present: Technical Training for Termidor® Termiticides/Insecticides and Trelona® ATBS Annual Bait Stations (October 2020)
During this one-hour overview, Dr. Timothy Husen provides details on the proper use of Termidor HE Termiticide and Trelona ATBS Annual Bait Stations for termite management.
Spring Training To Help You Deliver Your Best Perimeter Performance (April 2021)
In this webinar, BASF's Dr. Freder Medina and Dr. Joe Argentine review the ins and outs of perimeter pest control, including BASF's perimeter treatment protocol.
PCT Business Booster webinar: PTs and System III (September 2020)
Pressurized insecticides, or PTs, offer ease of use and quick, precise applications. In this webinar, BASF entomologist Dr. Tim Husen discusses the effectiveness of the company’s portfolio of pressurized residual and contact insecticides. Also, special guest Jay Yarsinske of Terminix Service, Inc., talks about his franchise’s experience using BASF PT® Brand Pressurized Insecticides and the System III® applicator.